If this feels like a battle, these are the rules – Rules 5 & 6
Author: Shiri Ben-Arzi, PMC, MCC
This is the 3rd blog post in the series of blog posts called – If this feels like a battle, these are the rules – 20 Rules for times of crisis”.
Special thanks and appreciation to Sasha Khazanov and Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott for their inspiration.
In this post, I’ll address rules 5 and 6.
(to read the previous post about rules 1, 2, 3 & 4 click on the link –
Rule #5 –
There is no timeline.
Crisis takes time and is not measured according to the time it takes to heal physically, but by the time it takes to regain and connect to resilience, balance, and self-regulation.
At this point, it is important to shift from a ‘sprint’ mindset to a ‘marathon’ mindset and start supporting the system.
Look around you. Who and what else needs to be supported so that you can overcome this crisis?
Your body? Your emotions? Your children? Your family?
Ensure the basic physical, emotional, and mental survival needs of your system and your support system are met.
Let go of any previous concept of a ‘proper’ timeline or ‘end date’ you might be holding.
It’s going to take as long as it takes.
Rule #6 –
Now is the time to return to the basic supportive actions and strategies.
Start with praying.
It has nothing to do with religion.
It is a primary life-affirming action acknowledging that life forces still exist inside us even when we feel everything around us is in pieces and ashes.
There is no right or wrong way to pray. Prayers come in all shapes and forms.
Invite yourself to pray, and the prayer will come.
In the next blog post, I will address rules 7 and 8.